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The article for today.

I use clock, timepiece, timer in this web page interchangeably.

While central processing unit (CPU), central processor, main processor have a frequency as its property, the frequency has hertz as the derived unit of frequency and a definion as one cycle per second(cycles/second, c.p.s., c/s, ~, or, ambiguously, just cycles). From as of 2020-06-20.

Also hertz has s⁻¹ as another definition.

So whenever I use currently as fo 2020-06-20 the processing or wireless devices with those properties, I also use the time as property inversely.

That fact is in connection with few other consequnces.

After I receive such operatable chip, central processing unit, central processor, main processor I also receive at the same time a frequencer and a timer, clock with inversion.

Because I can count time by its usage also inversely. Pretty strange usage. Not any chip, central processing unit, central processor, main processor. However.

There are several possibilities. I am trying to describe those ones.

Several possibilities when chip, central processing unit, central processor, main processor is announcing or hiding its operating frequency.

While telling some thing is announcing or hiding, I mean that some person is announcing or hiding its operating frequency. And that one also relates to other such usage of the verbs in these web pages in this web resource.

For achieving that, what I need is another clock and measurement such operatable chip, central processing unit, central processor, main processor as a black box.

There are options here, but to sum up, after the measurement of the number of cycles, I do not need that another clock no more and can continue to measure time just with that operatable chip, central processing unit, central processor, main processor, by adding the amount of cycles from it and making a simple calculation as of total sum of the addition of its cycles with division of its number of cycles from the measurement.

That is the metric of such device.

So when there is announcement of the operating frequency, then there is no need in the external clock, when there is no announcement of the operating frequency, then there is a one time need of the external clock.

Here I go: another type of clock from a black box device(for me), with an once help usage of external usual type of clock.

A clock with inversion from the black box device(for me) which has a s⁻¹ property inside.

Of course it has a dependency on the precision of such operatable chip, central processing unit, central processor, main processor.

But even with a several seconds of errors, of such calculating combination of such strange clock with inversion, a mere restart helps to restore such errors. And a field of such clocks with inversion helps to synchornise them with no dependency on the first type of the clock, the regular clock.

But then the situation is more complex due to some chips, central processing units, central processors, main processors, have such property, feature as variable operatable frequency. With the combination of the two: when there are frequencers which do not announce the frequency and their frequencies are variable.

What is fun or not fun, I did not find clocks which measures and show different measurements of the time with relation to one second. But if to use such approach with such chips, central processing units, central processors, main processors, the output can be exactly such variable measurements of the time with meaning for 1 second. Because in this case such frequencers are variable with relation to their internal frequency and such measurement scheme is not.

So it is a measurement of the time by T-state: (computing) a single clock pulse, tact of a microprocessor, chip, central processing unit, central processor, main processor somewhere in it as black box(for me). From wiktionary as of 2020-06-20.

     604800 Hz = 604800 cycles per second =  1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * cycles per second = 
     1 * 60 * 24 * 7 * cycles per minute = 1 * 24 * 7 * cycles per hour = 
     1 * 7 * cycles per day (cpd) = 1 cycle per week = 604800 * 2π rad/s = 604800 * 60 rpm.

     2 cycles per week = 2 * 604800 Hz = 2 * 604800 cycles per second = 
     1209600 Hz = 1209600 cycles per second =~ 1,2096 MHz =~ 1,2096 * 2π Mrad/s =~ 1,2096 * 60 Mrpm.

     4 cycles per week = 4 * 604800 Hz = 4 * 604800 cycles per second = 
     2419200 Hz = 2419200 cycles per second =~ 2,4192 MHz =~ 1 cycle per 28 day month =~ 2,4192 * 2π Mrad/s =~ 2,4192 * 60 Mrpm.

     12 * 4 cycles per week = 12 * 4 * 604800 Hz = 12 * 4 * 604800 cycles per second = 
     29030400 Hz = 29030400 cycles per second =~ 29,030400 MHz =~ 1 cycle per 28 day month year =~ 29,030400 * 2π Mrad/s = 29,030400 * 60 Mrpm.

     100 * 29030400 cycles per second =~ 100 * 29,030400 MHz =~ 100 cycles per 28 day month year =~ 100 cycles per 336 day year =~ 2900,0304 MHz =~ 2,9000304 GHz =~ 2900,0304 * 2π Mrad/s =~ 2900,0304 * 60 Mrpm.

The update from 2020-08-29.

I added other units: radians per second and revolutions per minute for those ones proportionally.

The end of update from 2020-08-29.

So if the device operates at 2,9000304 GHz, it also operates at around 100 cycles per 28 day month year or around 100 cycles per 336 day year.

So if I developed such device(I did not), then I also developed a possibility for a clock, at least which can provide a clock, whether such black box device(for me) has or does not have another type of clock internally.

What is more, if such device is wireless, then it is operating at some frequency as well.

So after the measurement of such frequency the clock with inversion is possible on top of it too.

So it is a clock with inversion from the air as a medium electromagnetically taking its measurement from wireless device frequency as a basis. Whether such device as black box (for) has or does not have another type of clock internally.

In the space, where there are no air as in air atmosphere, there are pulsars(PSR), (rotating neutron stars), which are rotating neutron stars which emit radio pulses periodically. Thus they are operating with frequencies.

When some locators, radars receive those pulses, then that frequency provides an opportunity to build clock with inversion as well at least while those frequencies are not variable as in some microprocessors, chips, central processing units, central processors, main processors. Though pulsar does not seem like a clock, timepiece, device, timer. Whether such black box pulsar(for me) has or does not have another type of clock internally.

The update from 2020-09-06.

The update as of 2020-09-07.

After looking at the above. The UTF has duplicates , at least for numbers, for example: zero for Kannada "೦"; zero for Malayalam "൦"; zero for Tamil "௦"; zero for Telugu "౦"; zero for financial Chinese "零". They are not fonts of the symbol. Because in such case a language is a font. And that is case for a term replacement. Because, there are fonts for that zero "0" at least for browsers and for operational systems, which I used to and which actually I use. So those ones("零", "೦", "൦", "௦", "౦", "0") are definetely glyphs, characters, symbols. However in UTF, again, UTF-8, at least, there are duplicates . And that is understandable. When some another familiar glyph, character, symbol with unfamiliar meaning in language was out from mystery. Or new glyph, character, symbol was in discovery out from unfamiliar sphere, so somewhere to add it in character set. And to add code, identifier, code point.

So for there are there four different ones: characters(symbols, glyphs as synonyms and otherwise), fonts, representation, meaning.

And there are combinations.

For example, I am familiar with the character, symbol, glyph, but not its meaning.

For example, I am familiar with the meaning, but not its glyph, character, symbol. And others.

Looking at those at least six ones: "零", "೦", "൦", "௦", "౦", "0". They are representing what we call zero in numbers. They mean zeros. And there are more.

And "0" can look like differently acccording to the font in use at least in browsers: sans, serif and more.

The quote from wikipedia as of 2020-09-07 "", "": "Unicode is not in principle concerned with fonts per se, seeing them as implementation choices.[72]". Taking into consideration those cases with iterative process of glyph discovery, so it does not seems that UTF contains fonts with that example for 6 glyphs for the same meaning for zero. However the code for extracting zeros as glyphs, characters, symbols.

There are justifications, why "UTF Unicode is not in principle concerned with fonts per se": first one is that mention of the discovery phase for the UTF process itself(which font was in use for glyph, symbol, character itself together with its identifier if any), and another one that the writing system of the language are not a looking like a font as particular style for its character representations. Because many people can write in scope of one writing system for some language with more or less stable style for face and size for the glyphs, characters, symbols in that language, and that language can have as many fonts, as there are people who write with that each stable style as a font.

Or I did not find a system similar to UTF at least for numbers which extracts the available zeros as glyphs, characters, symbols, from UTF-8 for example as meaning for semantics for other languages. So that UTF has as many copies for zeros as it has has now, and probably possibly more later according to discoveries. But not fonts. And that system provides a way to see the variety of glyphs, characters, symbols for that meaning at least for numbers. So that for example to query available glyphs, for the font. Because if the UTF has versions, than the fonts, which are using those glyphs, characters, symbols, representations in UTF, than the fonts has versions. And there is a possibility for the font for numbers, numerals in other languages. Or the possibility for the big font for many (subset of) languages, or the unicode font. With versions.

Or something else.

What I imply here, I was searching not for the glyph character identifiers, for example to create or to render a it with font for a language.

So as how I understand, UTF is linking the picture of some glyph, character, symbol to the identifier. UTF is a big collection of those with unfamiliar possibility with no limitation to grow in scope.

As one side: I could be searching for that identifiers for the font for the glyph: for creating or for rendering as browsers do.

What I was querying as another side: the glyphs, characters, symbols and their picture representations per language. Maybe for creating or rendering a font variant as browsers do. But in this case I was searching for some initial glyph, symbol, character as a picture for copying and pasting to those clocks for representing time with same custom time format. And that querying was not as easy as in SQL, jquery or other type of programmatic querying, because I need to navigate through language articles in wikipedia where there were lists with meaning for numbers and there picturial representations from 0 to 9.

This update at least for numbers and for those glyphs, characters, symbols for different languages, which I copied and pasted. I did not need to, there were other approaches probably. That is why I am claiming that UTF as untouchable big repository of links among identifiers(for encoding[and decoding]) and pictures (alike) with those processes as additions of other symbols is in use by browsers and other programmes for font creation and rendering by humans and is not that straightforward for for example semantic querying for number as in this case as a part of research or recceiving for other processes.

If font is a repository with additional visual meaning for in oversimple case for those pairs(maybe triplets or others) of link between UTF identifier and the picture or other representation for the character, glyph, symbol; then not touching the UTF model, how to query zeros "0" as other glyphs was my discovery browsing over wikipediua pages. So maybe there existing a repository for additional semantic meaning for UTF as identifiers or glyphs, characters, symbols. With no need to surf through number of wikipedia articles to query for glyph in that particular language which means zero.

So as fonts as repository has a decouple feature from the UTF as a repository(of pairs of links, triplets of links or alike according the preference of its structure). Same maybe some repository can have a decouple feature from the UTF as a repository(of pairs of links, triplets of links or alike according the preference of its own current structure with definite possibility change).

Via that approach I do not query font as a repository, I do not query UTF as a repository to get glyphs, characters, symbols which semantically means zero as a number with filtering per language(active language or former language) though still using UTF same as fonts do and additionally later to use font after the querying possibly.

Because for me those U+007F, U+0080 and others as code points are as identifiers, as for font creation and rendering as well as for querying as today for some symbol, character, glyph.

Those code points, identifiers are not very much changeable probably, they are for me as interfaces in java programming language, which are changeable rarely with certain level of exposure.

Частотник та годинник з перевертанням.

Стаття сьогодні.

Оновлення від 2020-09-06.

Оновлення від 2020-09-07.

Після споглядання на те що зверху. УНІКОД має дублікати , щонайменш для цифр, наприклад: нуль для Каннада "೦"; нуль для Малаялам "൦"; нуль для Тамільської мови "௦"; нуль для Телугу "౦"; нуль для фінансової китайської "零". Вони не шрифти символа, знака. Бо тоді мова це шрифт. А це підміна поняття. Тому що, існують шрифти для того нуля "0" щонайменш для браузерів і операційних систем, котрі я використовував і власне використовую. Так що ті("零", "೦", "൦", "௦", "౦", "0") є дійсно гліфами, символами, знаками. Однак у УНІКОД, знов, у УНІКОД-8, щонайменш, є дублікати . І це є зрозумілим. Коли деякий інший знайомий символ, знак, гліф із незнайомим значенням у мові був у стані зі стану таємниці до стану поза таємниці. Чи новий символ, знак, гліф був у стані віднаходження з незнайомого простору до знайомого простору, так що кудись його додати до набору символів, знаків, гліфів. І йому надати код, ідентифікатор, кодову точку, визначник.

Так для, існують чотири різних: знаки(символи, гліфи як синоніми і навпаки), шрифти, виображення, значення.

І існують комбінаційні поєднання.

Наприклад, я є знайомим про символ, знак, гліф, але не про його значення.

Наприклад, я є знайомим зі значенням, але не з його гліфом, символом, знаком. Й інші.

Споглядаючи на ті щонайменш шість: "零", "೦", "൦", "௦", "౦", "0". Вони виображабть що ми звемо нуль у цифрах. Вони позначають нулі. І існує більше.

І "0" можуть виглядати різноманітно згідно шрифту у використанні щонайменш у мережевих програмах перегляду сторінок в інтернеті: некарбовані шрифти, шрифти із зарубками і більше.

Переклад невеликого уривка з вікіпедії від 2020-09-07 "", "Юнікод": "Unicode is not in principle concerned with fonts per se, seeing them as implementation choices.[72]"; "Юнікод є не у принципі піклуючимся про шрифти як такий, вважаючи їх обраннями виконання". Розглядаючи ті випадки поступовим процесом віднаджодження символів, гліфів, знаків, так що не не здається, що Юнікод має у складі шрифти у тому прикладі з 6 символами, гліфами, знаками для того самого значення для нуля. Однак код для отримання нулів як гліфи, знаки, символи.

Існують пояснення, чому "Юнікод є не у принципі піклуючимся про шрифти як такий": перше є про згадку про можливість віднадходження для самого процесу з Юнікодом(який шрифт використовувався для самого гліфу, символу, знаку разом з ідентифікатором якщо якийсь), і інше, що письмова система мови не виглядає як шрифт як особливий стиль для її виображень знаків, символів, гліфів. Тому що багато людей можуть писати у межах однієї письмової системи для якоїсь мови з більш менш сталим стилем для виглядів і розмірів гліфів, знаків, символів тієї мови, і та мова може мати в наявності стільки шрифтів, скільки існує людей які пишуть тим кожним сталим стилем як шрифтом.

Чи я не знайшов систему схожу на Юнікод щонайменш для цифр яка надає доступні нулі як гліфи, знаки, символи, з УНІКОД-8 наприклад як значення у межах позначень для інших мов людей. Так що УНІКОД має в наявності стільки копій нулів скільки він має в наявності зараз, й вирогідно можливо більше пізніше згідно віднадходжень. Але не шрифти. And that system provides a way to see the variety of glyphs, characters, symbols for that meaning at least for numbers. So that for example to query available glyphs, for the font. Because if the UTF has versions, than the fonts, which are using those glyphs, characters, symbols, representations in UTF, than the fonts has versions. And there is a possibility for the font for numbers, numerals in other languages. Or the possibility for the big font for many (subset of) languages, or the unicode font. With versions.

Or something else.

What I imply here, I was searching not for the glyph character identifiers, for example to create or to render a it with font for a language.

So as how I understand, UTF is linking the picture of some glyph, character, symbol to the identifier. UTF is a big collection of those with unfamiliar possibility with no limitation to grow in scope.

As one side: I could be searching for that identifiers for the font for the glyph: for creating or for rendering as browsers do.

What I was querying as another side: the glyphs, characters, symbols and their picture representations per language. Maybe for creating or rendering a font variant as browsers do. But in this case I was searching for some initial glyph, symbol, character as a picture for copying and pasting to those clocks for representing time with same custom time format. And that querying was not as easy as in SQL, jquery or other type of programmatic querying, because I need to navigate through language articles in wikipedia where there were lists with meaning for numbers and there picturial representations from 0 to 9.

This update at least for numbers and for those glyphs, characters, symbols for different languages, which I copied and pasted. I did not need to, there were other approaches probably. That is why I am claiming that UTF as untouchable big repository of links among identifiers(for encoding[and decoding]) and pictures (alike) with those processes as additions of other symbols is in use by browsers and other programmes for font creation and rendering by humans and is not that straightforward for for example semantic querying for number as in this case as a part of research or recceiving for other processes.

If font is a repository with additional visual meaning for in oversimple case for those pairs(maybe triplets or others) of link between UTF identifier and the picture or other representation for the character, glyph, symbol; then not touching the UTF model, how to query zeros "0" as other glyphs was my discovery browsing over wikipediua pages. So maybe there existing a repository for additional semantic meaning for UTF as identifiers or glyphs, characters, symbols. With no need to surf through number of wikipedia articles to query for glyph in that particular language which means zero.

So as fonts as repository has a decouple feature from the UTF as a repository(of pairs of links, triplets of links or alike according the preference of its structure). Same maybe some repository can have a decouple feature from the UTF as a repository(of pairs of links, triplets of links or alike according the preference of its own current structure with definite possibility change).

Via that approach I do not query font as a repository, I do not query UTF as a repository to get glyphs, characters, symbols which semantically means zero as a number with filtering per language(active language or former language) though still using UTF same as fonts do and additionally later to use font after the querying possibly.

Because for me those U+007F, U+0080 and others as code points are as identifiers, as for font creation and rendering as well as for querying as today for some symbol, character, glyph.

Those code points, identifiers are not very much changeable probably, they are for me as interfaces in java programming language, which are changeable rarely with certain level of exposure.

The update as of 2021-02-24.

Оновлення від 2021-02-24.

lines and numbers and list for filling;лінії та цифри та перелік для заповнення

The update as of 2021-08-16.

Оновлення від 2021-08-16.

Адже ISO 8601 виображення є не цифрово різноманітними, я використовую приблизний наступний код уминути деякі негаразди в деяких перемикачевих системах.

    persianNumbers = [/۰/g, /۱/g, /۲/g, /۳/g, /۴/g, /۵/g, /۶/g, /۷/g, /۸/g, /۹/g],
    arabicNumbers  = [/٠/g, /١/g, /٢/g, /٣/g, /٤/g, /٥/g, /٦/g, /٧/g, /٨/g, /٩/g],
    transformNumbers = function (string) {
        if (typeof string === 'string') {
            for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
                string = string.replace(persianNumbers[i], i).replace(arabicNumbers[i], i)//...
        return string;

Але є більше такі як зазначені попередньо і також Кхароштхі цифри, Мая цифри, Етруські цифри, і більше.

Хоча це і ще одне рішення, коли я прокалькулював, що це я маю ще додати до 3 проектів, стає прозорим, що це потім і підтримувати ще потрібно і перевірити і можливо б воно було і іншим але "одразу зі скриньки" що є швидшим, ніж в такий спосіб.

The update as of 2021-08-20.

Оновлення від 2021-08-20.

Для зразків деяких форматів дат написано у вікіпедії, що існує невизначеність для таких зразків дат в форматах як наприклад, 12/08 і 08/12. Тобто чи це MM/dd чи dd/MM. Додаючи будь який символ окрім імовірно цифр і символу розділювача вирішує цю колізію для деяких форматів дат, наприклад 12/'08 і '08/12. Тобто чи це 'MM/dd чи dd/'MM. Але створює потребу в форматі дати першою чергою бо це як мінімум незвичний вигляд. І це створює додаткові зайві використання цього символу для зразків дат які без колізій у деяких форматах дат тобто для більшості інших зразків.