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The article for today.

I like coffee. Either it is sour or mild. And I do not like too hot coffee. So what are my options if the coffee is too hot?

In order to cook coffee, I use directed stream of heat.

And what about if I want to freeze that coffee a bit?

Should I avoid preparing too hot coffee by measuring the coffee temperature each interval of time during its cooking?

Should I buy the machine that does that type of process for me?

Should I really each time freeze the whole box of environment with lower temperature by using energy source in order to just put a cup of too hot coffee there in order to make it colder?

Should I put a piece of ice to make it colder?

Should I just wait until the coffee becomes colder by the natural freezing process?

Maybe should I have the access to technology of directed freezing radiation?

While preparing coffee I use at least several environments:
the induction heating, which creates the heating radiation, usually a machine;
the the boiling box usually made of metal, not necessarily if to use another one medium, for example, from metalic plate to ceramic cup (it may be not safe, so it is better to consult with the instructions, whether it is acceptable to use metalic plate with the inductive heater in question);
the water which is becoming hoter during the process.

And would you let me see inside that heating machine in order to understand that principle, which heats the boiling box and the water?

It [Induction heating is the process] is heating an electrically conducting object (usually a metal) by electromagnetic induction.

So what is inside?

It is the transfer of energy from one form to another.

What about other source of directed heating?

For example, UFO UK-15 Electric Infrared Heater with Remote Control. It is not an commercially paid advertisement, because I copy pasted the first link from the search results.

It can also heat my cup of coffee based.

It is rather rough to say that at some level both heaters are shaking the particles, molecules, waves which increases their temperature.

What about freezing the cup of too hot coffee finally?

It is assumed, because I did not find such device or concept as of 2019-12-01.

What if the freezing device is becalming the waves, particles, molecules?

What if it is with direction then?

So the device emits the particles, waves, which does not shakes the particles, waves with which it can interfere, and calms them down instead? Very rough.

I find two principles there according to law of conservation of energy. Either the freezing radiation so clever in its depth, that it finds the oscillations of particles, waves and consumes their energy of oscillation, or the freezing radiation so intelligent in its depth, so that it finds the oscillations of particles, waves and produces by its own source and amount energy the counter-energy to calm down their movement, so the medium, whether it is a metalic one becomes colder.

I then put my cup of too hot coffee on that colding surface and my cup rather quickly becomes colder and tasty.

If it is not directed, then my table becomes colder as well, if its material is of the same kind of material which that freezing emitter can interact with.

I do not know whether such radiation exists at all somewhere. So it was more of an assumed and speculative point of view. So for now I will go to enable freezer as a box in order to put the drink there to make it colder.

The update as of 2021-01-09.

After a year after previous update of this article. One option it(such thing) sends someone a notification(also a message while here I mean in a sense of unidirectional, only informing one), another one, it sends someone(or someones) a message in ... a) an email; b) messenger; c) social network(maybe via some API). Probably already existing somewhere. Probably in internet of things Internet of Things(IOT).

It is not necesserily that each such communicating thing in social networks has an email or mobile phone for such registration process. If some specific API provides the token for such devices, then such token is a duplicate or alternative one along as email as well. Until such device has a positive integer number of such available suitable tokens for different APIs in its key and value type of storage or in its other type of storage, then both ones can have an email for registration or not, as well as other credentials.

The update as of 2021-07-20.

There is some social network and after signing up and signing in, it halts that profile there with a descriptive message, then after repeating it is the same and so on. More on that there. Ah, аєчірігаут, Selenium and Chrome to achive that faster than before, as drivers, but it have not been stable as an approach sometimes previously.