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The code can separate each word from the web page and search, fetch it again from other web page, web resource.

As in example:

For the code, that fetches, there is an Uniform Resource Locator (URL), link, identifier. For the code, that fetches, the scheme, protocol is a boundary and it is a part of the URL.

But the code can not fetch my cat.

And it is not because I do not have a cat, but because that imaginary cat does not have URL.

So there are objects, which have and do not have URLs.

Links and objects.


the photo of the cat

Oh well, there is that photo of the cat alongside with the barcode and the QR-code, which is not visible in the photo, however the code still cannot fetch that cat.

But well, my browser(the code in it) fetched it(as a photo at least) and, probably, yours as well, if you see the photo of that cat.

Not quite, because it is the copy of of the photo of that cat, though identical in bytes, but not the same cat.

What I imply here is that the server copied the resource and the browser received a copy of it. The network had a input output data stream of that resource and the memory, the cache stored the copy of that resource as well. Not a copycat et al.

The update as of 2020-09-15.

Оновлення від 2020-09-15.

For example, the copy or paste with some additional functionality: copy(paste) and transform to lower case, upper case, other functions and modes and applications, which are applicable for copying(pasting) within the copiable(pasteable) type of the content.

Наприклад, копіювання чи вставлення з якоюсь додатковою дією: копіювання(вставлення) і перетворення до нижнього регістру літер маленьких літер, верхнього регістру літер великих літер, інших дій та режимів, коли є застосованими для копіювання(вставлення) у копійованому(вставленному) типі змісту.

power source, джерело живлення
converter and effector, конвертер і двигуючий
interface, інтерфейс